think → 想;認為
當你不同意對方所說的話,可以說 "I don't think so."
相反:I think so.
"Is there anything we can do to help?" |
「有什麼是我們可以幫忙的嗎?」 |
"I don't think so." |
「應該沒有。」 |
"Snufkin... Yuhoo..." |
「阿金... 喂....」 |
"Did he hear you?" |
「他聽得到嗎?」 |
"No, I don't think so." |
「沒有,我想他沒聽到。」 |
"I think that frog wants to make friends with cricket." |
「我覺得那隻青蛙想和蟋蟀交朋友。」 |
"Hm, I don't think so, Sam. He looks hungry." |
「嗯,我不覺得耶,山姆,他看起來很餓。」 |
"Hey, there she is." |
「 嘿,她在那兒。」 |
"Why don't you go over and talk to her?" |
「你怎麼不過去和她說說話?」 |
"I-I-I don't think so." |
「我……我……我不想去。」 |
"Why not?" |
「為什麼不?」 |
"Foo?" "I think she wants some food." |
「物?」「我猜她想吃東西了。」 |
"I don't think so. She just had a big lunch." |
「應該不是。她才剛吃完一頓豐盛午餐。」 |
"Maybe you should come with me to the North Pole." |
「也許你應該和我一起去北極。」 |
"The North Pole? Do they have puddles there?" |
「北極?那裡有水池嗎?」 |
"I don't think so. It's where the snow comes from. It's very cold and nobody lives there." |
「我想沒有。雪就是從那裡來的。那裡非常寒冷,而且沒有人居住。」 |
"You know, some people say we look alike." |
「妳知道嗎?有些人說我們長得很像。」 |
"Uh, I don't think so. Not at all." |
「喔,我不覺得,一點也不像。」 |
"Well, why don't you just build a new skateboard?" |
「你怎麼不打造一個新的滑板就好了?」 |
"Nah, I don't think so." |
「我不想。」 |
"Well, you can't sit inside on a gorgeous day like today. So, Missy, grab that pink bike! We're gonna get out and about!" |
「今天這麼好的天氣,妳不能就這樣待在家裡。所以,大小姐,去牽妳的粉紅腳踏車,我們出去溜達溜達。」 |
"I don't think so." |
「我不想。」 |
"Oh, come on, It'll be fun." |
「快點啦,會很好玩的。」 |
"Whoo-hoo, hooray." |
「唔呼,太棒了。」 |
"Did she hit her head?" |
「她撞到頭了嗎?」 |
"I don't think so." |
「應該沒有吧。」 |
"Do you know CPR or anything?" |
「妳會心肺復甦術或什麼的嗎?」 |