snap 在這裡指的是「迅速恢復」。
snap out of sth 則是指「快速擺脫某個不好的東西」(to get over something bad quickly),通常是指「情傷、失落」等憂傷情緒。
類似表達:Get over it.
Snap out of it!
You need to snap out of it. I know it was a rough breakup, but it's been 6 months. You have to accept that the relationship is over and move on with your life.
「我問了Zane想不想結婚。」 「什麼?」 「妳瘋了嗎?」 |
「我愛他,我想和他在一起。」 「是可以,但嫁給他?!」 「清醒點,女孩!」 |
「我為什麼不該嫁給Zane?」 「坐下,我們來列表清單。」 「快點,我們剩不到一小時了。」 |
「Nate,我知道Angie和你分手你很難過…但也該是放手繼續前進的時候了!」 |
「當你從馬上跌落,你要怎麼做?你馬上爬起來,再爬到馬上。」 |
「Angie 愛馬...」 「振作起來,老兄!」 |
"Wow, Beebe Bluff likes me!" |
「哇,Beebe Bluff 喜歡我!」 |
"Doug, snap out of it!" |
「Doug,快回神!」 |
"Ferb, you're usually so focused. How did you get those plans confused?" |
「小佛,你通常做事都很專注,怎麼會把那些計畫搞混呢?」 |
"Hey, how's it going?" |
「嘿,你好嗎?」 |
"Hey, Ferb. Snap out of it. What happened back there?" |
「嘿,小佛,回神。當時發生了什麼事?」 |
"I was weak." |
「我軟弱了。」 |
"Oh, this sounds bad. Hold me." |
「喔,那聽起來不太妙,抱住我。」 |
"Okay, that does it. Snap out of it, Caitlin! It's just an arm!" |
「好了,我真是受夠了,給我清醒點,Caitlin!這只是一隻手臂而已!」 |
"Whoa. That was kinda cool." |
「哇,酷喔。」 |
"Must be nice to be loved." |
「被愛的感覺一定很幸福。」 |
"C'mon, guys, snap out of it! The dance is in three days. If you want to get asked out, you have to start thinking like a girl. Because all the girls are out there thinking like guys, and guys don't ask out other guys." |
「拜託,你們,振作起來!舞會就是三天後了,如果你們想要受邀的話,你們必須開始像個女孩般思考,因為那些想參加舞會的女孩們現在都以男生們的方式思考,而男生不會想邀請其他男生。」 |