way 有「道路、路途」意思。因此 "all the way" 依上下文可以解讀成「(地理上)從A到B一整路」或是「(時間上)從A到B的整個過程」。常用來強調「路途遙遠」或「時間漫長」。


"I can see all the way to the ocean."



"Caillou followed the sound of the bell all the way to Rosie's room."



"The bell!"







"What's so funny?"



"We can hear you're laughing all the way in the house."




"Caillou. It's a postcard for you all the way from China. It's from Sara."




"Let's make a spaceship. One that can travel anywhere in the solar system."



"One that can fly all the way to Mars."



"Or even Pluto."




"Mama! Look! Look what came in the mail!"



"It is from you grandmother, all the way from Japan. You can open it, Yoko. It is addressed to you."







"Henry, what will we do?"



"Don't worry, dear. Mr. Wilson will take good care of him." 



"Well, Mr. Wilson. Looks like we get to ride all the way home together."



"Yes, ALL the way home."




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