要對方停止正在做的事情,通常是因為對方在胡鬧或是做些不理性的事情,就可以說 "Cut it out." 表示「住手;住口;別吵了;別鬧了」等意思。
似:Cut that out. / Stop it. / Knock it off.
"Aw! Cut it out! I can't see!"
"Hey, cut it out."
"No, little lady. Cut it out."
"George, look out!"
"Hey, cut it out."
"Hey, cut it out, will you?"
"Hey, cut it out, will you?"
"Ah-ha! Gotcha!" |
「啊哈!抓到你了!」 |
"Hey, cut it out!" |
「嘿,快住手!」 |
"Oops." |
「哎呀。」 |
"He's a hero. Did you see? Did you? He risked his life for me." |
「他是英雄,你看到了嗎?你有嗎?他冒生命危險救我。」 |
"Cut it out, Margaret. This is embarrassing." |
「別這樣,瑪格麗特,這樣很丟臉。」 |
"Okay, okay. From now on, no more arguing. Here, Franklin, you keep it." |
「好吧,好吧,從現在起,我們不會再吵了。來,富蘭克林,你收下它。」 |
"What? But you saw it first, Beaver, you should have it." |
「什麼?但是是你先看到的它的, 海狸,你才應該收下。」 |
"Yes, but you touched it first, so it really belongs to you." |
「是沒錯,但是是你先碰到它的,所以實際上它是屬於你的。」 |
"I know, but you..." |
「我知道,但你…」 |
"Will you two cut it out? You're going to start arguing again." |
「你們可以別再繼續了嗎?你們又開始吵起來了。」 |
"You're gonna make this thing fly with a bicycle?" (laughing) |
「你們打算用一輛腳踏車使這玩意兒飛起來?」(大笑) |
"Hey, cut it out. Stop laughing." |
「嘿,住口!不要再笑了!」 |
"What are you doing?" |
「妳在幹嘛?」 |
"It's him! Jack! Police station guy!" |
「是他!傑克!警察局的那個男的。」 |
"Oh. Go say hi to him." |
「喔,去和他打聲招呼。」 |
"Are you crazy? He hates my guts! He's gonna see you! Act natural!" |
「妳瘋了嗎?他對我恨之入骨!他會看到妳的!表現得自然一點!」 |
"Very funny! Cut it out!" |
「非常幽默!別鬧了!」 |