除了"Come in." 也可以很客氣地說 "Please come in." (請進。) 或是熱情地說 "Come on in." (快進來吧)。
換句話說:Come on in.
"Hi, come in, Clementine. Come in."
"Hello! Can I come in?"
"Come in, Mr. Hinkle."
"Come in." |
「請進。」 |
"Hello, Mrs. Murphy, how are you today?" |
「哈囉,Murphy太太,妳今天好嗎?」 |
"I'm great." |
「我很好。」 |
"Hello! Please come in."
"Before you come in, you have to pay!" |
「你進來之前要先付錢!」 |
"Okay, here you go." |
「好,給你。」 |
"Come in."
"Hi, everybody. Come in."
"Hi, Little Bear."
"Hello." |
"Good evening, Big Frank, and Frank, and Frank. Please come in." |
"Thank you." |
"Let's go in the water. --Don't you want to come in?" |
「我們來去水裡吧。--你們不想進來嗎?」 |
"Not yet." |
「還不要。」 |
"Come in." |
「請進。」 |
"Father, I'm sorry to bother you." |
「父親,抱歉打擾你了。」 |
"That's all right, Flora. What can I do for you?" |
「沒關係,Flora,我能為妳做什麼嗎?」 |
"Come in!" |
「請進!」 |
"Hey Phineas. What'cha doin'?" |
「嘿,飛哥,你們在做什麼?」 |
"Oh, what's the matter?" |
「噢,怎麼了?」 |
"We were going to go for our desert trekking patch today, but now it's raining." |
「我們今天本來要去沙漠健行的 ,但現在在下雨。」 |
"Here I go. --Hello, Mr. Owl." |
「來吧。--哈囉,貓頭鷹老師。」 |
"Ah, Franklin, come in! What brings you here after school?" |
「啊,富蘭克林,進來吧!都放學了怎麼會想來這裡?」 |
"I need help with something." |
「我有事情需要幫忙。」 |
"I'd be glad to help. That's why I'm here." |
「我很樂意幫忙,那就是為什麼我會在這裡。」 |
"Excuse me." |
「不好意思。」 |
"Oh, hello, there. I was so wrapped up in my work I didn't hear you come in." |
「喔,哈囉,我太忙於工作了,所以沒聽到你進來的聲音。」 |
"Would you mind if I took that book? I left it here by mistake." |
「你介意我拿走這本書嗎?我不小心把它留在這裡了。」 |
"I suppose not." |
「不介意吧。」 |
"Thanks." |
「謝了。」 |