"To put off" means to delay doing something until later.

put off 是可以拆開的動詞片語,可以說 "put off sth / doing sth" 或是 "put sth off",表示「延後(做)某事」或是「拖延(做)某事」。


"The worst thing you can do with homework is put it off until later."



"That's right. It's called procrastination."






"Procrastination: putting off a job 'til tomorrow when you know it should be done today."




"Hey, Mom, could we hike up to Blueberry Hill Lookout on Saturday to celebrate?"



"Ooh, that sounds like fun. I think I could manage to put off the yard work."



"I could pack a nice picnic lunch."




"You know Franklin, putting off unpleasant tasks until later, often has a way of making more work."



"Huh? What do you mean?"



"Well, let's take the garden for instance. If I put off pulling weeds when they're little, they grow up and spread their seeds so I have even more weeds to pull."




"Sorry we didn't catch the murderer, Holmes. And I'm afraid you'll have to catch her without me. My wedding is tomorrow."



"Yes, about that, you know, I was thinking. Maybe you should put that off for a little while. You know, sow a few more wild oats."





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