口語發音:Whatcha doing'?
"What are you doing?"
"Mom, what are you doing?"
"Mom, what are you doing?"
"What are you doing?"
"What are you doing, Dennis?" |
「你在做什麼,阿丹?」 |
"Just playing detective, Mom." |
「只是在玩偵探遊戲,媽。」 |
"Dennis, what are you doing out there?" |
「你在那外頭做什麼,阿丹?」 |
"Helping clean the statue, Dad." |
「幫忙清理雕像,爸。」 |
"What are you doing, Dennis?" |
「你在做什麼,阿丹?」 |
"Getting the sled down." |
「把雪橇拿下來。」 |
"What are you doing?" |
「你在做什麼?」 |
"Helping you knock out the wall." |
「幫忙你把牆打掉。」 |
"What are you doing, Brother? The soccer game started ten minutes ago." |
「你在做什麼,熊哥?足球比賽在十分鐘前就開始了。」 |
"I'll be out later. I want to finish these last two work sheets first." |
「我晚點出去,我想先完成這最後兩張學習單。」 |
"Kitty, what are you doing?" |
「凱蒂,妳在做什麼?」 |
"Ah. Mama." |
「啊,媽媽。」 |
"Listen, you mustn't disturb Papa while he's working. The more you interrupt him, the longer it takes him to finish his work. You must wait patiently. Do you understand?" |
「聽著,爸爸在工作的時候,妳不可以打擾他。妳越是打斷他工作,他完成工作的時間就越長。妳必須耐心等待,了解嗎?」 |
"What are you doing, Mom?" |
「媽媽,妳在做什麼?」 |
"It's garbage day. I was just going to put these out by the road." |
「今天是收垃圾的日子,我正要把這些垃圾拿到路邊放。」 |
"Oh, that's something Dad usually does, isn't it? So I'll take care of it." |
「喔,那是爸爸平常的工作,對吧?那我來做吧。」 |
"Well, thank you very much, Franklin." |
「那就非常謝謝你嘍,法蘭克林。」 |
"Huh?" |
「蛤?」 |
"Yes…fifty points to go." |
「好耶…還差五十分。」 |
"Franklin!? What are you doing?" |
「富蘭克林!? 你在幹嘛?」 |
"Hey, Beaver, guess what? I've almost beaten level four!" |
「嘿,海狸,猜怎麼著?我就快要破第四關了耶!」 |
"Turn it off, Franklin." |
「關掉,富蘭克林。」 |
"What?!" |
「什麼?!」 |
"I said turn it off." |
「我說把它關掉。」 |