personally 單獨使用時,表示「就個人而言」。
例如:Personally, I like coffee better. (就個人而言,我比較喜歡咖啡。)
當你 "take something personally",就表示你覺得事情的發生是針對你個人,而且通常是不好的事。
因此當你希望對方放寬心,別往心裡去,因為事情的發生並不是針對他個人,就可以說 "Don't take it personally."
A: I don't understand why he was so mad with me.
B: I think he was just in a bad mood. Don't take it personally.
"Hey, don't take it personally."
"Don't take it personally. She's just picky."
"Don't take it personally. We just like the opposite of you better." |
「不是針對你個人,我們只是比較喜歡你的另一面。」 |
「放開我!」 |
"He's afraid you'll eat him." |
「他怕你會吃掉他。」 |
"A snake? Yuck! Please don't take it personally, but I mostly eat worms and bugs." |
「蛇?噁!請別放在心上,但我通常只吃蟲子。」 |
"I had a nightmare about these horrible monsters!" |
「我做了一個關於這些可怕怪物的惡夢!」 |
"What'd she say? Who's she calling a horrible monster?" |
「她說啥呀?她叫誰可怕怪物了?」 |
"Don't take it personally. She must not have been looking at your good side." |
「別往心裡去,她肯定還沒看到妳好的那一面。」 |