當你 "feel like doing something" 的時候,你「覺得想做某事」或者「有做某事的心情」。
I feel like having some coffee.
I just feel like staying home tonight and wathing TV.
I'm very tired today. I don't feel like doing anything.
A: What do you feel like watching now?
B: Let's watch an action movie!
"She's so cute. She makes me feel like dancing." |
「她好可愛喔,讓我想跟著跳舞。」 |
"Suddenly, I feel like dancing."
"Caillou didn't feel like looking at his books. He wanted Mommy to read him a new story." |
「卡由不想看他的書,他想要媽咪讀新的故事給他聽。」」 |
「妳好了嗎?」 |
"There, all done." |
「好了,都看完了。」 |
"It's okay, guys. I don't feel like sneezing anymore." |
「不要緊了,各位,我不再想打噴涕了。」 |
"That's good." |
「太好了。」 |
"Let's all go to the pond for a swim!" |
「我們一起去池塘游泳!」 |
"Yeah!" "Good idea!" |
「耶!」「好主意!」 |
"Yeah, let's go swimming!" |
「耶,一起去游泳!」 |
"I don't feel like swimming. I'm going home." |
「我不想游泳,我要回家了。」 |
"Hey Franklin! Come and play hockey with us." |
「嘿,富蘭克林!來和我們一起打曲棍球。」 |
"Thanks anyway, but I don't feel like playing hockey anymore." |
「謝謝,但還是算了,我不想再打曲棍球了。」 |
"Aw, c'mon Franklin. We need you." |
「噢,拜託,富蘭克林,我們需要你。」 |
"Yeah, we're a team." |
「對啊,我們是同一隊的。」 |
"What's wrong, little robin?" |
「怎麼了,小知更鳥?」 |
"I don't know." |
「我不知道。」 |
"Why don't you sing a song?" |
「要不要唱首歌呢?」 |
"I don't feel like singing." |
「我不想唱歌。」 |
"You can fly around the house." |
「你可以在屋內飛來飛去。」 |
"I don't feel like flying." |
「我不想飛。」 |
"I just don't feel like celebrating my birthday. It's a totally artificial holiday created to stimulate the economy." |
「我就是不想慶祝什麼生日,這完全是為了刺激經濟為而設的人造節日。」 |
"Hey! Feel like getting something to eat?" |
「嘿!想去吃點東西嗎?」 |
"Another time. I want to finish this sculpture before Tom gets here." |
「下次吧,我想在 Tom 來之前完成這個雕塑。」 |