Storyteller: Know what time it is? It's time for a Caillou story. Well now, let's see what Caillou did today. |
現在幾點啦?說卡由故事的時間到了。那麼,我們來看看卡由今天做了些什麼。 |
Storyteller: I think he met some animals. Today's story is called "Caillou Goes to the Zoo". |
我想他見到了一些動物。今天要講的故事是「卡由去動物園」。 |
Zoe: Hi, welcome to the zoo. My name's Zoe. |
你們好,歡迎來到動物園,我的名字是柔伊。 |
Caillou: Are we going to see lots of animals? |
我們會看到很多動物嗎? |
Zoe: Oh yes. And we're very excited because lots of our animal families have new babies. Would you like to see some baby wolves? |
是的,而且我們非常地興奮,因為我們有好多動物都生了小寶寶呢。你想要看看狼寶寶嗎? |
Caillou: Baby wolves? Really? Wow! |
狼寶寶?真的嗎?哇! |
Zoe: See the baby wolves? Those are their noses. |
看到狼寶寶了嗎?那些是牠們的鼻子。 |
Caillou: Why don't they come out? I wanna see them. |
他們怎麼不出來呢?我想看看牠們。 |
Zoe: They were just born the other day, so they want to stay with their mommy. |
牠們前幾天才出生的,所以牠們想要和牠們的媽媽待在一起。 |
Caillou: Oh, I wanted to see them. |
喔,我好想看看牠們。 |
Zoe: You know, Caillou, they'll stay with their families all their lives. |
你知道嗎,卡由,牠們一生都會和牠們的家人待在一起。 |
Caillou: Do all the baby animals stay with their mommies and daddies? |
所有的動物寶寶都會和牠們的爸爸媽媽待在一起嗎? |
Zoe: Oh no. Most animals leave their families when they're big enough. Would you like to see another animal family? |
喔,不,大部分動物長大後就會離開父母。想看看其他的動物嗎? |
Caillou: Yes, please. |
好。 |
Storyteller: Caillou liked the idea of animals having families. |
聽到動物們也有自己的家,卡由很高興。 |
Caillou: Where are they? Where are they? |
牠們在哪裡?牠們在哪裡? |
Daddy: They must be in their house, Caillou. I'm afraid we might not see them today. Although I think we might be lucky after all. |
牠們一定是在家裡,卡由。恐怕今天見不到牠們了。不過,看來我們的運氣不錯喔! |
Caillou: Wow. He's so big. The rhino's as big as a dinosaur. |
哇,牠好大!這隻犀牛就像恐龍一樣大。 |
Rosie: Rhino. Dino. Rhino. Dino. |
犀牛,恐牛,犀牛,恐牛。 |
Zoe: You know what, Caillou? That rhino's not a HE, she is a SHE. And she has a baby. |
卡由,你知道嗎?這頭犀牛可不是公的喔,牠是母的,而且牠有小寶寶喔。 |
Caillou: Really? A baby rhino? |
真的嗎?犀牛寶寶? |
Mommy: Of course, Caillou. Even really big animals have babies. |
當然啦,卡由,就算是龐大的動物也會生小寶寶哦! |
Caillou: Look, look. It's the baby rhino. |
快看,是犀牛寶寶耶! |
Zoe: He's not very cuddly, but I think he's cute as a button. |
牠雖然不怎麼小巧,不過我覺得牠還是一樣很可愛。 |
Caillou: Yay! A sea otter. It's a sea otter. They're my favorite. |
耶!海瀨。是一隻海瀨,我最喜歡海瀨了。 |
Zoe: That little guy came to us when he was just a baby, Caillou. |
卡由,那個小傢伙在牠很小的時候就來這兒了。 |
Caillou: Does he have a family too? |
牠也有家人嗎? |
Zoe: I'm afraid not. You see, his mommy died. |
恐怕沒有,牠媽媽死了。 |
Caillou: His mommy died? Will he be alright? |
牠媽媽死了?牠還好嗎? |
Zoe: He'll be fine. But you know, because he didn't have his mommy to show him what to do, we've had to teach him everything. Even how to swim and how to feed himself. |
牠會沒事的,只不過,因為牠沒有媽媽可以教牠本領,我們就得教牠所有的事情,甚至是如何游泳和覓食。 |
Storyteller: It was the first time Caillou had seen a real sea otter. |
這是卡由第一次親眼見到海獺。 |
Caillou: I wish we could take him home with us. |
真想帶牠跟我們回家。 |
Zoe: Oh, you can't do that. He's almost ready to go back to the ocean. |
喔,這可不行喔,牠差不多快要可以回到海裡了。 |
Caillou: Hee-hee-hee… |
嘻~嘻~嘻~ |
Mommy: What's so funny, Caillou? |
什麼事這麼好笑,卡由? |
Caillou: That chimpanzee looks like Grandpa. |
那隻大猩猩看起來像爺爺。 |
Daddy: Ha-ha-ha. You're right. He does look like Grandpa. |
哈哈哈,你說的沒錯,牠看起來真像爺爺。 |
All: (laughing) |
(笑成一團) |
Daddy: But you know what? That little guy looks a bit like you, Caillou. |
卡由,你知道嗎?那個小傢伙看起來有點像你。 |
Caillou: He's coming to say hello. |
牠過來打招呼了。 |