give it back 可以指「還回來」或「還回去」,總之就是「把東西物歸原主」。

give it back to sb. 則是指把東西還給某人


"Give it back!"


"Give that back!"


"Hey, give it back!"


"Give me back my shoe! Give it back!"



"It is mine."



"Michael, give it back to her."




"Wow, Dad, this compass is really cool."



"Let me see."



"Hey, I was looking at that. Give it back! --Mom!"



"Asad. Give it back to her."




"Give it to me, Alexander!"



"Sure thing. It's right here."



"If you don't give it back, I'm telling Father." 




"What are you doing?"



"That's a very important map. Please give it back."



"Sure, but you have to catch us first."




"Well, what do you plan to do now, Franklin?"



"Find out who owns the camera so I can give it back."




"Do I look like Emily?"



"Oh, Little Bear, you look silly. Give it back."



"Come and get it, Emily."




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