Do you see what I mean? 意思是「你明白我的意思嗎?」

在生活口語中,常簡略成 See what I mean? 或 You see what I mean? 表示「明白我的意思吧?懂我說的吧?( = Do you understand now what I am saying? )

這裡的 "see" 表示「明白、了解」,也可以真的指「用眼睛看見」。

相關表達:I see what you mean.


"See what I mean?"


"See what I mean?"


"Does everybody see what I mean?"



"Whoa! it's really deep! --See what I mean?"



"I don't think Henry's ready to perform in front of an audience. He gets distracted way too easily. --Whoa! See what I mean?"


「我想 Henry 還沒準備好在觀眾面前表演,他太容易分心了。 --哇嗚!明白我意思吧?


"That's great, Dot! And it really is such a sweet present."



"Yeah, except Grandpapa's expecting to hear this... But when I play, it sounds like this... See what I mean?"


「對啊,除了爺爺期待聽到這個… 但我拉出來的聲音卻像是這樣… 懂我意思吧?


"Alexander, where are you? Oh, Pom, what are we gonna do? Alexander may be a goof-up, but he's the only goof-up we've got."



"Don't worry, Flora. I'm sure he's around here some place. See what I mean?"



"What is it?"







"I'll tell you who my hero is." "Who?"



"Mrs. Muskrat." "Mrs. Muskrat?"



"She used to play hockey?"



"No, but she used to come out and watch us play when we were younger. She never missed a game."



"Gee, she still does that...only now she watches us play."


「天啊,她仍然這麼做… 只是現在她看我們打。」

"And she brings us hot chocolate with marshmallows."



"See what I mean? That's what makes her so great. She's always doing something for kids."



"I guess we never realized how great she really is."




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