Do you see what I mean? 意思是「你明白我的意思嗎?」
在生活口語中,常簡略成 See what I mean? 或 You see what I mean? 表示「明白我的意思吧?懂我說的吧?」( = Do you understand now what I am saying? )
這裡的 "see" 表示「明白、了解」,也可以真的指「用眼睛看見」。
相關表達:I see what you mean.
"See what I mean?"
"See what I mean?"
"Does everybody see what I mean?"
"Whoa! it's really deep! --See what I mean?"
"I don't think Henry's ready to perform in front of an audience. He gets distracted way too easily. --Whoa! See what I mean?" |
「我想 Henry 還沒準備好在觀眾面前表演,他太容易分心了。 --哇嗚!明白我意思吧?」 |
"That's great, Dot! And it really is such a sweet present." |
「太好了,Dot!那真的是很棒的禮物。」 |
"Yeah, except Grandpapa's expecting to hear this... But when I play, it sounds like this... See what I mean?" |
「對啊,除了爺爺期待聽到這個… 但我拉出來的聲音卻像是這樣… 懂我意思吧?」 |
"Alexander, where are you? Oh, Pom, what are we gonna do? Alexander may be a goof-up, but he's the only goof-up we've got." |
「Alexander,你在哪?噢,Pom,我們該怎麼辦才好?Alexander也許是個闖禍王,但我們也就這只有這個闖禍王了。」 |
"Don't worry, Flora. I'm sure he's around here some place. See what I mean?" |
「別擔心,Flora。我確定他就在這裡的某個地方,明白我的意思吧?」 |
"What is it?" |
「是什麼?」 |
"Alexander?" |
「Alexander?」 |
"I'll tell you who my hero is." "Who?" |
「我告訴你們我的英雄是誰。」「誰?」 |
"Mrs. Muskrat." "Mrs. Muskrat?" |
「Muskrat太太。」「Muskrat太太?」 |
"She used to play hockey?" |
「她以前打曲棍球?」 |
"No, but she used to come out and watch us play when we were younger. She never missed a game." |
「不是的,但當我們還小的時候,她常出來看我們打。她從未錯過任何一場比賽。」 |
"Gee, she still does that...only now she watches us play." |
「天啊,她仍然這麼做… 只是現在她看我們打。」 |
"And she brings us hot chocolate with marshmallows." |
「而且她會帶熱可可加棉花糖給我們。」 |
"See what I mean? That's what makes her so great. She's always doing something for kids." |
「明白我的意思吧?那就是為什麼她如此偉大,她總是為孩子們效勞。」 |
"I guess we never realized how great she really is." |
「我猜我們從未意識到她其實有多偉大。」 |