"Never mind" is a phrase we use when someone doesn't want to repeat or explain something he has just said, either because it isn't very important or because you think the other person won't understand it.

當你不想解釋或重覆剛說的話,也許是因為覺得不重要,或是覺得對方不會理解,就可以說 "Never mind." 表示「沒關係、算了,別在意我剛說的話」。


"Never mind."


"Never mind."


"Never mind."


"Never mind."



"Never mind."


"You know what? Never mind."


"You know what? Never mind."


"Nothing. Never mind."


"Wait. What was that?"

"What? Oh. Never mind."


"Never mind. I don't need your help. The situation is under control."




"Hey, you scared the fish away. --Uh, never mind. They'll come back later."




"Now, does everyone have their pedometer on?  You'll need it to track your steps."



"Yep!" "You know it!"



"Oh no, I forgot mine!"



"Try your other arm."



"Never mind."




"I don't get it! Why?"






"You know what? Never mind. I don't care who Jonesy spends his time with."


「聽我說,算了,我不在乎 Jonesy 花時間和誰在一起。」





"What was that? Was that your 'l have an idea' huh or your 'I'm hungry again' huh?"



"I didn't know I had more than one 'huh.' --Huh."



"Never mind. What's your big idea?"




"Hey guys, look what I've got! A baby Christmas tree!"



"It is not a baby Christmas tree, it is a pine tree."



"A pine tree? --Huh. It looks like a Christmas tree to me. It even smells like one."



"Humph. Never mind. What kind did you get, Franklin?"



"I don't have one yet."




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