單獨一個字 "Wait!" 可以表示要對方「等等!」。

等待某人或某物,後面一定要加介係詞 with。

例如:wait for you (等你) / wait for the bus (等公車)

相關表達:Wait for me.I can't wait! / What are we waiting for?


"Come on! We are waiting for you."



"Now what do we do?"



"Wait for the glue to dry." 




"Caillou was waiting for his babysitter, Julie, to come and look after him. He loved it when Julie came over."



"Still no sign of Julie, Caillou? She's never been this late before."




"Well, are you kids gonna order something or are you still waiting for someone?"



"We're still waiting, ma'am."




"It says here that jellyfish are animals that simply flow in the water, waiting for their food to come to them."




"I can't wait for everyone to get here so we can start the party."



"Me too."




"Soup should be ready. At least, I think it's ready."



"Shouldn't we wait for Mother Bear?"



"No. I guess Mother Bear will just have to miss it."




"Well, I'm hungry."



"Yeah, me too. --I don't think I can wait for Mom. I'm going to make my own snack. Do you want to help me?"


「對啊,我也是。 --我想我沒辦法媽了,我要自己做點心,你要幫忙我嗎?」





"Hi, Mrs. Beaver."



"Hello, Franklin. Beaver isn't here. She's running an errand for me."






"She shouldn't be long."



"Do you want to wait for her?"



"Sure. I'll wait."




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