It means to try to become a member of a team.

這個片語的意思是 '試圖成為一個團隊或隊伍的成員'。

To try out for a sports team means to demonstrate your ability in the hope that you will be accepted onto the team.


※ 參加…的選拔或試演,介係詞用 for,例如:

try out for a basketball team 參加籃球隊選拔

try out for a quiz show 參加益智遊戲節目選拔

try out for a play 參加戲劇試演

※ a try-out / try-outs (n.) 選拔;試演

其他用法:try out (1) 試用


"Sister bear reporting for try-outs."



"You're here to try out for the team?"



"Yes, ma'am."




"Are you gonna try out, Francois?"



"Try out for what?"



"The school fencing team. We could both try out. It would be just like the three musketeers. Well, two of them, anyway."




"The Leone brothers!"


「Leone 兄弟!」

"They heard we were trying out for the fencing team."



"Just imagine, the Leone brothers with swords."


「想像一下 Leone 兄弟拿劍的樣子。」

"Oh, no."






"I'm pleased you've all decided to try out for the team. I'll go and get a few more foils."




"Are you gonna audition?"



"Of course! I was born for this! I'm going to be a star! Anyone else want to try out?"



"I'd love to! But I'm gonna need some industrial strength cover-up first."




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