Storyteller: Hi, you two. It's story time. Now, let's see. What did Caillou do today? Today's story is called "Caillou's Big Friend". |
孩子們,說故事的時間到了。那麼,卡由今天做了些什麼呢?今天要講的故事是「卡由的大朋友」。 |
Mommy: Caillou, this is Andre. His mommy and I have been friends since we were little. |
卡由,這位是安德烈。我和他的媽咪從小就是朋友。 |
Storyteller: Caillou didn't think Andre was little at all. In fact, Andre seemed very big. |
卡由覺得安德烈一點兒也不小,反倒覺得他很高大。 |
Mommy: You're already a big boy, Andre. How old are you? |
安德烈,你都是個大孩子了。你幾歲了呀? |
Andre: I'm six. |
我六歲了。 |
Mommy: Now, why don't you play with Andre while we talk? |
我們聊天的時候,你和安德烈一起玩好嗎? |
Caillou: Come on. Let's build a castle. |
來吧,我們來蓋一座城堡。 |
Andre: Do you have any games we could play? I know! Let's play catch. |
你有什麼我們可以玩的遊戲嗎?我知道了!我們來玩傳接球。 |
Caillou: Not inside. |
屋裡不能玩。 |
Andre: Catch! |
接著! |
Caillou: You broke my castle. |
你把我的城堡弄壞了。 |
Andre: No, I didn't. You knocked it over. |
我沒有,是你自己推倒的。 |
Caillou: You're not allowed to play ball in the house. |
你不可以在屋裡玩球。 |
Andre: Well, let's play something else then. Let's play hide and seek. |
那麼,我們就玩別的好了,來玩捉迷藏吧。 |
Caillou: Okay, I'll go hide. |
好,我先藏。 |
Andre: Okay, I'll count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Here I come. |
好,我來數數。一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十。我來嘍。 |
Andre: Here I come. Caillou, where are you? Caillou, where are you? |
我來嘍,卡由,你在哪兒呢?卡由,你在哪兒呢? |
Storyteller: Caillou couldn't resist that bare foot. He had to tickle it. |
看到安德烈的赤腳,卡由忍不住想去搔它的癢。 |
Andre: Yap! |
哎呀! |
Caillou: Oops! |
糟糕! |
Andre: I found you. |
我找到你了。 |
Caillou: That's not fair. I tripped. |
不公平,我絆倒了。 |
Andre: Yes, it is fair. You're it, Caillou. |
很公平,換你當鬼了,卡由。 |
Caillou: Let's play something else. |
我們玩別的。 |
Andre: Well, okay. Do you have any toys in your room? |
好吧,你房裡有什麼玩具嗎? |
Storyteller: Andre was upsetting Caillou. |
安德烈讓卡由不高興了。 |
Caillou: Wait for me. I'll get my robot. |
等我一下,我去拿我的機器人。 |
Caillou: Andre, I got my robot. What was that? |
安德烈,我拿我的機器人來了。那什麼聲音? |
Caillou: You broke my chair. |
你把我的椅子坐壞了。 |
Mommy: Andre, are you hurt? |
安德烈,你有受傷嗎? |
Caillou: He broke my special chair. He's not my friend anymore. |
他弄壞了我的專用椅,我不和他做朋友了。 |
Mommy: Andre, I'm so sorry. Let me get a little bandage for that cut. |
安德烈,真抱歉,我去拿一些OK蹦過來貼傷口。 |
Andre's mommy: It's okay. |
沒事的。 |
Storyteller: Caillou was very angry with Andre. But when he saw the cut, he felt sorry for him. |
卡由非常生安德烈的氣,但當他看到安德烈傷口,又覺得很難過。 |
Caillou: Is Andre hurt, Mommy? |
安德烈受傷了嗎,媽咪? |
Mommy: I'm sure he's gonna be alright, honey. |
他很快就會好起來的,寶貝。 |
Andre: I didn't mean to break Caillou's chair. It was an accident. |
我不是故意弄壞卡由的椅子的。那是個意外。 |
Mommy: Why don't you two play soccer outside for a little while? |
你們要不要到外面去踢一下足球啊? |
Caillou: But the soccer ball is stuck in the tree. |
可是足球卡在樹上了。 |
Andre: I can reach it. |
我能夠得到。 |
Caillou: Hay, watch this! |
嘿,看好了! |
Andre: Wait up. Look, kick it like this… |
等等,你看,像這樣踢… |
Caillou: Got it. |
接到了。 |
Storyteller: Caillou was having fun playing with Andre now. |
卡由現在和安德烈玩得很開心。 |
Caillou: Look! The ball went in the tree again. |
你看!球又回到樹上了。 |