would like → 想要 (比 want 來得客氣、禮貌)
you → 你(們)
Would you like to do sth? 常用在鼓勵對方做某件事,但是是用詢問的方式,不強求地問對方「想不想要」或「願不願意」做這件事。
"I'm going to the store with Rosie. Would you like to come, Caillou?" |
「我和蘿西要去商店,你想要一起來嗎,卡由?」 |
"No, I wanna stay with Daddy." |
「不要,我想要和爸比在一起。」 |
"Grandpa!" |
「爺爺!」 |
"Hey!" |
「嘿!」 |
"What are you doing?" |
「你在做什麼?」 |
"I'm making a vegetable patch for your mommy. Would you like to help me?" |
「我在幫你媽咪整理一塊菜園,你想要幫我的忙嗎?」 |
"Yeah." |
「好啊。」 |
"Well, hello there. What's your name, young man?" |
「你們好啊!你叫什麼名字,小弟弟?」 |
"Jim." |
「吉姆。」 |
"Well, Jim, this is Caillou." |
「那個,吉姆,這位是卡由。」 |
"Would you like to play with Caillou, Jim?" |
「你想要和卡由一起玩嗎,吉姆?」 |
"Hi, Sara." |
「嗨,莎拉。」 |
"Hi, Caillou. My class's having a little brother and sister today at school and since I don't have either one of those." |
「嗨,卡由,我班上今天有帶弟弟妹妹到學校的活動,但是我一個弟弟妹妹都沒有…」 |
"Would you like to go to school with Sara?" |
「你想要和莎拉一起上學嗎?」 |
"Yes." |
「要。」 |
"That sounds like a great idea." |
「聽起來是個不錯的主意。」 |
"Peekaboo!" |
「躲貓貓!」 |
"Rosie, no!" |
「蘿西,不行!」 |
"Oh sorry, Caillou. Rosie and I are playing hide and seek. Would you like to join us?" |
「噢,抱歉,卡由,我和蘿西在玩捉迷藏,你想要加入我們嗎?」 |
"No thanks, Grandpa. I'm doing my chore." |
「不了,謝謝爺爺,我在做家務。」 |
"Oh, I see." |
「喔,原來如此。」 |
"Would you like to hold the baby, Franklin?" |
「你想要抱抱小寶寶嗎,富蘭克林?」 |
"Could I?" |
「我可以嗎?」 |
"Of course. You're her big brother's best friend. You should get acquainted." |
「當然,你是她哥哥最好的朋友,你應該要被熟悉一下的。」 |
"Would you like to hold it up and show the class?" |
「你願意舉起來給全班看看嗎?」 |
"Sure." |
「當然好。」 |
"Wow!" |
「哇!」 |
"That's good." |
「真不錯。」 |
"I like it." |
「我喜歡。」 |
"Welcome to Bear Country School. My name is Miss Honeybear, and I'm your new kindergarten teacher. Would you like to come inside and meet your classmates?" |
「歡迎來到熊熊鄉村學校,我的名字是蜂蜜熊小姐,我是你們新的幼稚園老師。你們想要進去認識一下同學嗎?」 |
"Would you like to try some?" |
「你們想要試試味道嗎?」 |
"Yes, please." |
「好啊,謝謝。」 |
"Thank you." |
「謝謝妳。」 |
"What a beautiful frame!" |
「好美的框啊!」 |
"It's my present for Mother Bear." |
「這是我要送給熊媽媽的禮物。」 |
"I'm invited to her birthday party." |
「我受邀參加她的生日派對。」 |
"Oh, Mother Bear's birthday." |
「哦,熊媽媽的生日。」 |
"Would you like to come have some cake with us?" |
「你願意來和我們一起吃些蛋糕嗎?」 |
"I'd love to." |
「非常樂意。」 |