He is good at history.


She is good at dancing.


You are really good at being mean to others.



"Gotcha! --Man, you guys sure are good at hide and seek."




"The story takes place in Japan. Several hundred years ago, a man named Jiro Koshugi, Iived a life of peace. Jiro was good at two things, hiding --and making cookies."


「這個故事發生在日本,好幾百年前,有個男的叫做Jiro Koshugi,過著祥和的生活。Jiro 擅長兩件事,躲藏 --以及做餅乾。」


"I'll try first. --Now it's your turn, Caillou. You've got it! You're good at this. It's your turn again."




"Whoa! Sweetie, slow down. I have a list of things we need to buy. Why don't you help me find some of them, okay? Let's start with some fruit."



"Caillou was good at finding things in the grocery store. It was like a hide and seek game. Only you had to find food."




"How does he make that ringing sound?"



"Parrots are good at imitating sounds. We used to have a bell on the counter but it broke. Bernie imitates it and everything else you say around him."




"I hate being a maid."



"But you're so good at it." 




"It's okay. It's okay, girl. Last one... Just a little antiseptic."


「沒關係的,沒關係的,最後一個了… 只要一點點的抗菌劑。」

"Wow, you're really good at that."




"I'm not good at swimming."



"What? But you're good at everything."



"Not swimming. I'm not good at it."







"Whoops, sorry! --I'm good at every other sport: soccer, hockey, football. Why can't I hit a baseball?"




"Snapdragons. That's a good choice."


「金魚草, 好選擇。」

"I'm good at painting bees. So I put a whole bunch in."




"Is it broken?"



"I'm afraid so."



"Raccoon will be at the party, he's good at fixing things."




"Boy, he's pretty good at it!"



"I almost crashed. What are you doing with Papa's camera?"



"Making a movie... about you!"


「拍影片… 關於你的。」


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