little → 小的 (small in size or amount)
bit → 少許 (a small piece or amount of something)
a little 一點點;有點兒
= a bit
= a little bit
Let me tell you a little about myself.
It was a bit chilly this morning when I got up.
I finally got a chance to relax a little bit.
"Hello, Henry." |
「哈囉,Henry。」 |
"Are you okay, Timothy?" |
「你沒事吧,Timothy?」 |
"Were you frightened?" |
「你會害怕嗎?」 |
"Only a little bit." |
「是有一點點。」 |
"It was Caillou's first day and he was a little bit nervous." |
「今天是卡由(上學)的第一天,他有點兒緊張。」 |
"Hi Caillou, did you have a good time at the park?" |
「嗨,卡由,你在公園玩的開心嗎?」 |
"I want to be like Andre." |
「我想像 Andre 一樣。」 |
"How come?" |
「為什麼?」 |
"He's bigger than me. He can ride a big bike." |
「他比我大,他可以騎大台的腳踏車。」 |
"Caillou, Andre is a little bit older than you. Besides, you've been growing too, you know." |
「卡由,Andre年紀比你大一點,而且,你知道嗎,你也一直在長大呀。」 |
"I have?" |
「我有嗎?」 |
"What's this?" |
「這是什麼?」 |
"That's another game I made. Here, I'll show you how it works. --Ta-dah!" |
「那是我發明的另一個遊戲。來,我來教你們怎麼玩。--就這樣!」 |
"Can I try? --Ouch!" |
「我能試試嗎?--哎喲!」 |
"It takes a little bit of practice." |
「需要稍微練習一下。」 |
"Now do you hate baseball?" |
「你現在討厭棒球了嗎?」 |
"No, but I hate you a little bit." |
「不,但我有點討厭你了。」 |
"Ow! Hey!" |
「噢!嘿!」 |
"Dan, I actually have a present for you." |
「Dan,我其實有個禮物要送你。」 |
"We'd better move back a little bit." |
「我們最好後退一點。」 |
"No, no, no. It's nothing dangerous, I promise." |
「不不不,不是什麼危險的東西,我保證。」 |