He is good at history.
She is good at dancing.
You are really good at being mean to others.
"Gotcha! --Man, you guys sure are good at hide and seek." |
「抓到了!--喔唷,你們真的很會玩捉迷藏。」 |
"The story takes place in Japan. Several hundred years ago, a man named Jiro Koshugi, Iived a life of peace. Jiro was good at two things, hiding --and making cookies." |
「這個故事發生在日本,好幾百年前,有個男的叫做Jiro Koshugi,過著祥和的生活。Jiro 擅長兩件事,躲藏 --以及做餅乾。」 |
"I'll try first. --Now it's your turn, Caillou. You've got it! You're good at this. It's your turn again." |
「我先試試看。--現在換你了,卡由。你猜中了!你真的很會玩這個耶,又再次輪到你了。」 |
"Whoa! Sweetie, slow down. I have a list of things we need to buy. Why don't you help me find some of them, okay? Let's start with some fruit." |
「哇嗚,親愛的,慢一點。我有一清單的東西要買,你要不幫忙我找一些東西,好嗎?我們先從水果開始。」 |
"Caillou was good at finding things in the grocery store. It was like a hide and seek game. Only you had to find food." |
「卡由很擅長在雜貨店裡找東西,就像玩捉迷藏一樣,只是你要找的是食物。」 |
"How does he make that ringing sound?" |
「他是怎麼發出鈴鈴鈴的聲音的?」 |
"Parrots are good at imitating sounds. We used to have a bell on the counter but it broke. Bernie imitates it and everything else you say around him." |
「鸚鵡很擅長模仿聲音,我們以前在櫃檯有個鈴,後來壞了。Bernie模仿那個鈴聲,還有任何你在他周圍講話的聲音。」 |
"I hate being a maid." |
「我討厭當女僕。」 |
"But you're so good at it." |
「但妳做得如此得心應手。」 |
"It's okay. It's okay, girl. Last one... Just a little antiseptic." |
「沒關係的,沒關係的,最後一個了… 只要一點點的抗菌劑。」 |
"Wow, you're really good at that." |
「哇,你真的很會。」 |
"I'm not good at swimming." |
「我不擅長游泳。」 |
"What? But you're good at everything." |
「什麼?但你擅長所有的事。」 |
"Not swimming. I'm not good at it." |
「游泳以外,我不太會游泳。」 |
"Yikes!" |
「哎呀!」 |
"Whoops, sorry! --I'm good at every other sport: soccer, hockey, football. Why can't I hit a baseball?" |
「哎呀,抱歉!--我擅長任何其他運動:足球、曲棍球、橄欖球,為什麼我就是打不到棒球?」 |
"Snapdragons. That's a good choice." |
「金魚草, 好選擇。」 |
"I'm good at painting bees. So I put a whole bunch in." |
「我很會畫蜜蜂,所以我放了很多在畫裡。」 |
"Is it broken?" |
「壞掉了嗎?」 |
"I'm afraid so." |
「恐怕是。」 |
"Raccoon will be at the party, he's good at fixing things." |
「浣熊會來參加派對,他很會修東西。」 |
"Boy, he's pretty good at it!" |
「哇,他挺在行的!」 |
"I almost crashed. What are you doing with Papa's camera?" |
「我差點就要撞到了,妳拿爸爸的相機在做什麼?」 |
"Making a movie... about you!" |
「拍影片… 關於你的。」 |