Storyteller: Are you ready for a story? |
準備好聽故事了嗎? |
Boy: A story about Caillou. |
卡由的故事。 |
Storyteller: Today's story is called "Caillou Walks a Dog". |
今天的故事叫做「卡由溜狗」。 |
Caillou: It's the puppy. |
是那隻小狗狗耶。 |
Storyteller: Caillou had met this cute little dog before. |
卡由之前看過這隻可愛的小狗。 |
Grandma: Hello, Caillou. I'm looking after this little fellow again. He wanted to visit his friend, Caillou. Would you like to walk the dog with me? |
哈囉,卡由。我又再度照顧這隻小傢伙了。他想要見見他的朋友,卡由。你想要和我一起溜狗嗎? |
Daddy: Sure. |
好啊。 |
Caillou: Yippee! Could I walk him? |
耶!我可以溜他嗎? |
Grandma: Of course. |
當然。 |
Caillou: Look, Grandma. He's sitting down. |
妳看,奶奶,他坐下了。 |
Grandma: He's waiting for you to tell him to cross the street. Say "walk" when it's time to go. |
他在等你告訴他什麼時候可以過街。當可以走的時候就說「走」。 |
Caillou: Walk! |
走! |
Storyteller: Caillou loved it when the little dog obeyed his orders. |
卡由很喜歡這隻小狗服從他的命令。 |
Grandma: Look what I brought for you. |
看看我帶給你什麼。 |
Caillou: He wants to play. |
他想要玩耍。 |
Grandma: Throw the ball and tell him "Fetch." He'll bring it right back to you. |
丟這顆球然後告訴他「撿回來」。他就會馬上帶球回來給你。 |
Caillou: Fetch! ---He did it! |
撿回來!---他做到了! |
Grandma: Tell him "drop it." |
告訴他「放下」。 |
Caillou: Drop it! ---Wow! ---Fetch! |
放下!---哇嗚!---撿回來! |
Storyteller: Caillou had a wonderful afternoon at the park playing with the little white dog. |
卡由有個美好的下午,在公園和這隻小白狗玩耍。 |
Caillou: Daddy, you know what I really, really want... |
爸比,你知道嗎?我真的很想很想要… |
Daddy: What, Caillou? |
什麼,卡由? |
Caillou: I want a little white dog. |
我想要一隻小白狗。 |
Daddy: He's very cute, isn't he? But you know, Caillou, we already have a pet. We have Gilbert. |
他非常可愛,對吧?但你知道的,卡由,我們已經有一隻寵物了。我們有吉爾伯。 |
Caillou: But I want a dog. A dog that I can walk. |
但我想要一隻狗。一隻可以讓我溜狗的狗。 |
Daddy: Maybe when you and Rosie are a bit older, we could think about getting a dog. Good night! |
也許當你和蘿絲再長大一點,我們可以考慮養一隻狗。晚安嘍! |
Caillou: Good night, Daddy. |
晚安,爸比。 |
Storyteller: Caillou didn't want to wait until he was older. He wanted to get a dog now. ---When Caillou found his toy dog the next morning. He got an idea. |
卡由不想等到他長大,他現在就想要一隻狗。---當隔天早上卡由發現他的玩具狗時,他得到了一個想法。 |
Caillou: This can be your leash. ---Mommy! Daddy! Come, see! |
這可以當你的鏈條。---媽咪!爸比!快來看! |
Daddy: What is it? |
什麼事? |
Caillou: A surprise. ---Look! |
一個驚喜。---看! |
Rosie: Doggie! Walk! |
小狗狗!走路! |
Storyteller: And now Caillou had a dog of his own that he could walk every day. |
現在卡由自己有一隻可以讓他每天溜狗的小狗了。 |