"Hi." 是日常生活中最最最常使用的打招呼方式之一。
Hey. (嘿)
Hello. (哈囉)
Hi, there. / Hey, there. / Hello, there. (你好)
"Hi, Grandma!"
"Hello, Caillou!"
"Hi, everybody. I'm Bryce."
"Hi, there."
"I'm Jenna."
"I'm Dot."
"Hi, everyone!"
"Hi, Julie! Come on in!"
"Hi, Mr. Wilson. Whatcha doin' down there?"
"Hi, Mrs. Mitchell. Can I have a glass of water?" |
「嗨,Mitchell太太,可以給我一杯水嗎?」 |
"Help yourself, Joey." |
「自己倒吧,喬伊。」 |
"Hi." |
「嗨。」 |
"Oh, hello there. And what's your name?" |
「你好。你叫什麼名字?」 |
"Caillou." |
「卡由。」 |
"Hi." |
「嗨。」 |
"Nice to meet you. This is Caillou and Rosie." |
「很高興認識妳。他們是卡由和蘿西。」 |
"It's nice to meet you, too. This is my son, Robbie." |
「我也很高興認識妳。這是我兒子,羅比。」 |
"Well, hello there!" |
「你們好!」 |
"Carol, so good to see you. And this must be Kevin." |
「卡蘿,真高興見到妳。這位一定就是凱文了。」 |
"Hi, Kevin. This is Caillou." |
「嗨,凱文,這位是卡由。」 |
"Hi." |
「嗨。」 |
"Hi." "Hi." |
「嗨。」「嗨。」 |
"Here." "Oh. Cookies. Thanks." |
「給你。」「喔,餅乾,謝謝。」 |
"Hello, Emily. Why don't you come inside?" |
「哈囉,愛蜜莉,怎麼不進屋內來呢?」 |
"Right. Come on in." |
「對呀,快進來吧。」 |
"Thanks." |
「謝謝。」 |
"Hey, Phineas! Hi, Ferb!" |
「嘿,飛哥!嗨,小佛!」 |
"Hi, Isabella. Come on in." |
「嗨,伊莎貝拉,快進來。」 |
「你們在做什麼啊?」 |
"Hi, Jeremy." |
「嗨,杰洛米。」 |
"Hey, Mrs. Flynn. Is Candace here?" |
「嘿,福林太太,凱蒂絲在嗎?」 |
"Oh, she's still getting ready. You know girls. Have a seat. While you wait, I'll make you a snack." |
「喔,她還在準備。你知道的,女孩嘛。請坐,你等一下,我去幫你準備點心。」 |