使用時機一:當主人請客人拿取食物或飲料時,經常會說 "Help yourself." 或 "Help yourselves." 表示「請你(們)自由拿取,不用客氣;自己來」。
使用時機二:別人向你借東西時,請他自行拿取,也可以說 "Help yourself.",表示「需要什麼直接自己拿就可以了」。
"Mr. Sullivan, would you mind if I borrowed a few of your tools?" |
「Sullivan先生,不介意我向你借一些工具吧?」 |
"Not at all, help yourself." |
「一點都不介意,請自己拿。」 |
"A-ha! Exactly what I need!" |
「啊哈,正是我需要的!」 |
"Christmas cheer for all! Help yourselves."
"Hi, Mrs. Mitchell. Can I have a glass of water?" |
「嗨,Mitchell太太,可以給我一杯水嗎?」 |
"Help yourself, Joey." |
「自己倒吧,喬伊。」 |
"Mr. Marmot, do you think we could have that empty spool?" |
「Marmot先生,那個空線軸可以給我們嗎?」 |
"Sure. Help yourself. I don't need it anymore." |
「可以啊,自己拿吧,反正我不需要了。」 |
"Thanks." |
「謝了。」 |
"There's lemonade on the counter. Help yourselves. I've just got to mail this letter." |
「流理檯上有檸檬汁,別客氣自己來。我得去寄封信。」 |
"Oh, (Gasping) letter. Come on, guys." |
「噢,(倒抽一口氣) 信。大家快來。」 |
"My goodness, what's the rush?" |
「天啊,什麼事這麼趕?」 |
"Please help yourselves to whatever treat you like." |
「你們喜歡吃什麼都請自由取用。」 |
"All of the stores are the best in the world." |
「這裡所有的商店都是全世界最棒的。」 |
"Please take your time and eat to your heart's content." |
「請慢慢享用,盡情地吃到心滿意足為止。」 |
"Really?" |
「真的嗎?」 |
"The best stores?" |
「最棒的商店?」 |
"We can eat as much as we want?" |
「我們可以想吃多少就吃多少?」 |
"Yes, please help yourselves." |
「是的,請自由取用。」 |
"Hooray!" |
「萬歲!」 |