sleep on something 意思是「睡在某個東西上面」,例如:
Why did you sleep on the couch?
而 sleep on it 則是固定說法,通常用在做決定的時候,表示「需要時間再想一想、考慮考慮;睡一晚再決定」。"it" 就是指需要考慮的事情。通常我們在睡覺休息的時候,大腦會進行一連串整理分類的工作,隔天早上起來思緒會比較清晰,有助於我們做出明智的決定。因此,當你無法立馬做決定的時候,就 "sleep on it" 吧!例句:
I'll sleep on it and let you know what I decide tomorrow.
"I'll have to sleep on it."
"Everyone, calm down. We can't make a decision like this. Let's sleep on it and talk about it in the morning." |
「各位,冷靜一下,我們不能像這樣亂做決定,我們先睡一晚好好想想,明天再來討論。」 |
"Why don't you sleep on it tonight and decide tomorrow?" |
「你怎麼不先睡一晚好好想想,明天再決定呢?」 |
"Sleep on my fire truck?" |
「睡在我的消防車上?」 |
"No, that's an expression that means go to bed with the question in your mind, and in the morning after a good night's sleep, maybe you'll know what you want to do." |
「不是的,那是一種說法,意思是帶著你心中的疑問上床睡覺,到了早上,經過一夜好眠,也許你就知道你想怎麼做啦。」 |