"To have a thing for (someone)" means that you are romantically attracted to that person. You're interested in that person romantically. You want to have a romantic relationship with that person.
"Hey Nikki. What's up?" |
「嘿,Nikki,有事嗎?」 |
"Do you–um–how do I put this? Uh...do you have a thing for Jonesy?" |
「妳是不是…那個…要怎麼說才好?妳…是不是對 Jonesy 有意思?」 |
"Nikki thinks we have a thing." |
「Nikki 覺得我們之間有什麼。」 |
"You've got to be kidding. Us? No way." |
「開玩笑的吧?我們?怎麼可能。」 |
"I think I have an idea happening here. You..." "No!" |
「我想我知道是怎麼一回事了,你…」「不!」 |
"And her..." "Stop it!" |
「跟她…」「別說了!」 |
"AAAHH!" "Oh boy." |
「啊~~~!」「我的媽呀!」 |
"You have a thing for Lazy Susan! You do have a soft side!" |
「你對懶蘇珊有好感!你確實有溫柔的一面!」 |
"Keep it down, will ya?! Alright I admit it, okay? It would be nice if she liked me." |
「小聲點,好嗎?好啦,我承認,如果她也喜歡我就好了。」 |