"If you say so" is often an expression we use when we don't actually believe what the other person is saying, but you're not going to argue with them.
"Come on. You were fast asleep, snoring your head off." |
「拜託,妳睡得這麼熟,鼾聲如雷的。」 |
"That wasn't me snoring! That was Mr. Hemulen!" |
「才不是我!我沒打呼!是希姆叔叔!」 |
"All right. If you say so." |
「好吧,妳說是就是。」 |
"Can we go back the way we came?" |
「我們能原路返回嗎?」 |
"Well, I think it will be easier to try to get to that path." |
「我覺得從這裡下去會容易些。」 |
"If you say so." |
「就照你說的吧。」 |
"Dennis, once and for all, that man is not a spy. Now, you're going back to your mother and father." |
「阿丹,再跟你說最後一次,那個男人不是間碟。你現在就回去你爸媽身邊。」 |
"Are you sure he's not a spy, Mr. Wilson?" |
「你確定他不是間碟,威爾森先生?」 |
"Positive." |
「肯定不是。」 |
"Okay, if you say so." |
「好吧,你說了算。」 |
"Boy, that's a tall mountain." |
「天啊,好高的一座山。」 |
"Isn't it great?" |
「很棒吧!」 |
"Do you think we can make it all the way up there?" |
「你覺得我們有辦法到得了山頂嗎?」 |
"Of course we can." |
「當然可以。」 |
"Okay, if you say so." |
「好吧,你都這麼說了。」 |
「出發嘍!」 |
"You've got a great energy. I love your eyes, and I'm not even lying." |
「你活力充沛,眼睛迷人,我只是實話實說而已。」 |
"Uh, if you say so. Uh, do you want me to compliment you back?" |
「喔,好吧。那…我也要禮尚往來讚美妳一番嗎?」 |
"You can if you want to." |
「可以啊,你想要的話。」 |
"Look, Trent, there's nothing going on between me and Tom." |
「聽著Trent,我和Tom之間什麼事也沒有。」 |
"If you say so." |
「隨妳怎麼說。」 |
"What?" |
「什麼?」 |
"Come on, Daria. I'm a musician. I'm very sensitive to shifts in mood." |
「拜託,Daria,我是玩音樂的,我對情感變化非常敏銳。」 |
"I would never tell Quinn she looks cute in that 'thing' she always wears." |
「我不會告訴Quinn她一直戴著那個「東西」看起來很可愛。」 |
"I don't have a 'thing' I always wear." |
「我才沒有一直戴著什麼「東西」。」 |
"If you say so." |
「隨妳怎麼說。」 |
"Oh, sir, you have no idea what I've been through. This blue moon is a real menace." |
「噢,先生,你無法想像我剛經歷了什麼,這個藍月亮真的是一大威脅。」 |
"If you say so, Gilbert." |
「你說了算,Gilbert。」 |
"I do, sir. I do." |
「的確如此,先生,的確。」 |
"I don't think I should be here." |
「我覺得我不該出現在這裡。」 |
"Why not? Everyone likes you since you helped us break and enter." |
「為什麼不?妳幫我們成功入侵後,大家都喜歡妳。」 |
"But I'm somebody's mother." |
「但我身為人母啊。」 |
"See, that's your problem, Mrs. Mac. You let other people define who you are." |
「看吧,那就是妳的問題所在,Mac 太太,妳讓其他人定義妳是誰。」 |
"I don't." |
「我沒有。」 |
"Yes, you do." |
「妳有。」 |
"Well, if you say so." |
「好吧,妳說得算。」 |
"Come on. --Yeah!" |
「來嘛,--耶!」 |