I see. 表示「我懂了、我明白了」,傳達出一種「原來如此啊,我現在了解了」的感覺。

I see what you mean. 則是當對方說完自己的想法或見解,而你完全了解他在說什麼,就可以這麼回應他,表示「我明白你的意思」。

相關表達:See what I mean?


"I see what you mean."


"I see what you mean, Candace."


"I see what you mean. But it can't last forever."



"See you there."



"We have a soccer game today, Franklin."



"I know, Bear."



"Hurry, you'd better tell him."



"I can't. He's my dad. I don't want to tell him I'd rather play soccer than go golfing with him."



"Mmm, I see what you mean."




"Hi, Mama."



"Sister, you'd better stop that nail-biting before it becomes a bad habit."



"Oops, I keep forgetting. Why is it so hard for me to stop doing it?"



"If you do a certain thing often enough, you don't even think about it. It's sort of like this path-- the wheelbarrow has gone over it so many times that it's worn a deep rut right down the middle. And it keeps getting deeper every time I use it. It's the same way with a bad habit. The more you do something, the harder it is to get out of it."


「如果妳經常做某件事做得夠久,妳就連想都不用想了。這就有點像這條小路-- 手推車來來回回這麼多次,在中間就碾壓出深陷的凹痕,我每使用一回,它就凹陷得愈深。這和壞習慣的養成是一樣的道理,越常做的事情,就越難摒棄。」

"I see what you mean. I want to get out of my nail-biting rut before it gets any harder."




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