wrong → 錯誤的;不對勁的
"What's wrong?" 表示「怎麼了?有什麼問題嗎?」或「有什麼不對勁的地方嗎?」
類似表達:What's the matter? / What's happening? / What's going on?
"Hey, what's wrong, Brad?"
"Yoko, what's wrong?" |
「Yoko,怎麼了?」 |
"Everybody laughed at my lunch. They think I'm weird." |
「每個人都嘲笑我的午餐,他們覺得我很奇怪。」 |
"Pal, it's 3 a.m. What's wrong?"
「Pal, 現在是凌晨三點,怎麼了嗎?」
"Help me, anyone!" |
「任何人幫幫我!」 |
"What's wrong?" |
「怎麼了?」 |
"My kitty is stuck in the tree." |
「我的小貓咪被困在樹上了。」 |
"Hold it!" |
「等等!」 |
"What's wrong?" |
「怎麼了?」 |
"You keep poking me." |
「妳一直戳到我。」 |
"Sorry." |
「抱歉。」 |
"What's wrong?" |
「怎麼了?」 |
"He has the hiccups." |
「他在打嗝 。」 |
"Liz, what happened? What's wrong?" |
「Liz,發生什麼事?怎麼了?」 |
"Nothing." |
「沒事。」 |
"Oh, nothing." |
「喔,沒事。」 |
"My whole night is totally ruined. That's all." |
「我整個晚上都泡湯了,就這樣。」 |
"That girl looks upset. I wonder what's wrong?" |
「那個女孩看起來很沮喪,不曉得怎麼了?」 |
"Caillou, what's wrong?" |
「卡由,怎麼了?」 |
"He doesn't wanna play with me." |
「他不想跟我玩。」 |
"He always wants to be first." |
「他什麼事都要搶先。」 |
"What's wrong?" |
「怎麼了?」 |
"I have nothing to do now." |
「我現在無事可做。」 |
"You could play with Rosie." |
「你可以和蘿西玩啊。」 |
"I don't want to play with Rosie." |
「我不想和蘿西玩。」 |
"What's wrong?" |
「怎麼了?」 |
"Nothing." |
「沒事。」 |