"To put up with" someone or some situation means to tolerate – to accept – a situation even though you're not very happy about it.
I can't put up with my roommate anymore!
How can you put up with Bill? He's the most annoying person I know.
While I'm studying, I can't put up with any noise or other distractions.
"I will not put up with that noise."
"I have put up with an awful lot."
"No ice cream? I wouldn't put up with that if I were you." |
「沒有冰淇淋?我可受不了,如果我是你的話。」 |
"I don't know how you put up with me for so many years." |
「我不曉得妳是怎麼忍受我這麼多年的。」 |
"I didn't put up with you, BoJack." |
「我並沒有忍受你,BoJack。」 |
"Thanks, Celeste." |
「謝了,Celeste。」 |
"What for, dear?" |
「謝什麼,親愛的?」 |
"For putting up with my bad decisions. If I had kept quiet this morning, none of this would have happened." |
「謝謝妳容忍我的壞決定。如果今天早上我保持安靜,那麼這所有的一切就都不會發生了。」 |
"That's okay, dear. Everyone makes the wrong choice once in a while." |
「沒關係,親愛的。每個人偶爾都會有做出錯誤的選擇的時候。」 |
"Celeste!" |
「Celeste!」 |