"One by one" means one at a time. 一次一個
We solved the problems one by one.
→ 問題被我們一個接一個解決了,我們一次只解決一個問題
"One-on-one" means between only two people. 只在兩人之間
Let's have a one-on-one match.
→ 這場比賽只有我跟你兩個人比
a one-on-one course 一門一對一的課程
a one-on-one meeting 一場一對一的會議
a one-on-one discussion 一場一對一的討論
"There are stages in the study of magic. You must learn things in order, just like climbing steps one by one." |
「學習魔法是有分階段的,你必須按照順序學習, 就像攀爬臺階一樣,一次一階。」 |
"The mud must have splattered all over the egg..." |
「一定是泥巴潑濺覆蓋了整顆蛋…」 |
"..and the rocks!" |
「…還有石頭!」 |
"Now we can't tell them apart!" |
「現在我們無法分辨它們了!」 |
"Maybe it's this one!" "No" |
「也許是這個!」「不是。」 |
"This one? --Everything's so muddy!" |
「這個嗎? --全都沾滿了爛泥!」 |
"There's only one thing to do... wash them off one by one." |
「只有一件事可做了… 把它們一個個清洗乾淨。」 |
"We can get started without them." |
「我們用不著等他們可以直接開始了。」 |
"It is supposed to be two-on-two." |
「可是要二對二啊。」 |
"They've got two. Well, one and a half. Well, really just two halves. So one-on-one. That's fair." |
「他們有兩個人,不對,一個加上半個,不對,其實兩個都是半個,所以一對一,很公平。」 |
"Well, open it. Let's see what it says." |
「打開它,我們看看信裡寫什麼。」 |
"Congratulations. Your letter has been selected as the winner of our "I Love Hockey" contest." |
「恭喜,您的來信被選為『我愛曲棍球』比賽的獲勝者。」 |
"Well done, Franklin!" "That's wonderful!" |
「做得好,富蘭克林!」「太好了。」 |
"Wow! Let's see." |
「哇唔!再來看看。」 |
"Do you know what this means? I'm going to meet Bill Buffalo!" |
「你們知道這意謂著什麼嗎?我要去見水牛比爾了!」 |
"That's not all, Franklin." "Huh?" |
「還不止這樣,富蘭克林。」「蛤?」 |
"It says you're going to be playing a game of one-on-one with him when he comes to Woodland Rink." |
「信中還說當他來到林地溜冰場時,你將和他來場一對一的比賽。」 |
"I am?" |
「我嗎?」 |