換句話說:What were you thinking of? / What ideas did you have?
"What did you have in mind?" |
「你心裡有什麼想法?」 |
"I don't know yet, but I want do something that my friends will think is really neat!" |
「我還不知道,但我想做的是能讓我的朋友們都覺得很厲害的事!」 |
"What if we tried something exciting?" |
「要不我們試一些令人興奮的事怎麼樣?」 |
"Well, what did you have in mind?" |
「那妳心裡有什麼想法嗎?」 |
"Um... I know! What if in the middle of the song there comes a giant spider? And everyone goes, 'Ahh! A spider!'" |
「呃… 我知道了!要不在歌曲進行到一半的時候跑出一隻大蜘蛛?然後每個人就會『啊!有蜘蛛!』」 |
"Is something bothering you? You don't seem very happy." |
「有什麼煩心的事嗎?你似乎不太開心。」 |
"Every day is the same, Babar. Scooping ice cream, wiping counters. I need a challenge." |
「每天都一成不變,Babar。舀冰淇淋、擦櫃檯,我需要一個挑戰。 」 |
"What did you have in mind?" |
「你心裡有什麼想法?」 |
"I don't know. Something big and important, something more meaningful than slinging sundaes." |
「我不知道,一件重要的大事,比起拋聖代更有意義的事。」 |