當你看到朋友或家人沒事亂發脾氣,或是講話就像吃了炸藥一樣火爆,可以半開玩笑地問他 "Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed?" 中文可解讀成「你今天心情不好喔?」
換句話說:get out of the wrong side of the bed
"So what else is new? I'm sick of this." |
「所以還有什麼新鮮事?我受夠了這種事。」 |
"It looks like someone around here got up on the wrong side of the bed." |
「看來這裡有人心情不太好。」 |
"Yoo-hoo! Caillou. Oh-oh! Surprise!" |
「唷呼!卡由。噢喔!驚喜!」 |
"It seemed as if nothing would cheer Caillou up." |
「似乎沒有什麼東西可以逗卡由開心。」 |
"You must've got out of the wrong side of the bed today, Caillou." |
「你今天一定是起床的時候下錯邊了,卡由。」 |
"What does that mean?" |
「那是什麼意思?」 |
"It means that some days you wake up feeling grumpy and don't know why." |
「意思是有些日子當你起床的時候感覺脾氣暴躁而不曉得為什麼會這樣。」 |
"I'm not grumpy!" |
「我沒有脾氣暴躁!」 |