"I wish I could..." means I want to but I am not able to.
當你想表達「真希望我可以,但沒辦法」的時候,就用 "I wish I could" 開頭。
I wish I could help. -> 言下之意就是我幫不上忙。
I wish I could tell you the truth.
(但願我可以告訴你事實。) -> 言下之意就是我不能告訴你實情。
I wish I could go to the movies with you guys, but I have to work tonight.
I really regret saying that. I wish I could take it back.
"I wish I could stay, but I have to go home for the school year." |
「真希望我可以留下來,但我得回家,因為要開學了。」 |
"I wish I could fly." |
「真希望我可以飛。」 |
"Why can't you? You're a duck." |
「你為什麼不行?你是鴨子耶。」 |
"My mother never taught me." |
「我媽媽從沒教過我。」 |
"Gee, I wish I could stay to help out, but Mrs. Ben is waiting for me back at the farm. She can't milk all the cows by herself. Bye now." |
「天啊,真希望我可以留下來幫忙,但班太太正在等我回農場。她沒辦法自己一個人擠所有的牛奶。再見嘍。」 |
"Bye, Ben." |
「再見,班。」 |
"Bye." |
「掰。」 |
"This is a great novel if you're into past lives and reincarnation. Really got me thinking." |
「如果妳對前世今生和投胎轉世有興趣的話,這是一本很棒的小說。真能讓我認真思考。」 |
"Wow. I wish I could buy it, but I forgot my wallet." |
「哇嗚,真希望我可以買下來,但我忘了帶錢包。」 |
"Perfect fit. Now we can start training." |
「戴起來剛剛好。我們現在可以開始訓練了。」 |
"Oh, I wish I could, but I am so busy. I have to meet my friend in an hour for manicures." |
「噢,真希望我可以,但我實在太忙了,我一個小時後要和朋友碰面去做指甲護理。」 |
"Let's get back to work." |
「我們回去努力吧。」 |
"Sorry, I wish I could, but I'm already late for my piano lesson. See you tomorrow, Beaver. Bye, Franklin." |
「抱歉,真希望我可以,但我的鋼琴課已經上課遲到了。明天見,海狸。再見,法蘭克林。」 |
"See you." |
「再見。」 |
"Goodbye, Raccoon." |
「再見,浣熊。」 |
"Wow. Great clouds, Franklin." |
「哇嗚。這雲畫得真好,法蘭克林。」 |
"Thanks. They're my sunset clouds." |
「謝謝。我畫的是日落晚霞。」 |
"Okay, let's see these clouds. Oh…they are good." |
「好吧,我們來看看這些雲。哦...很不錯耶。」 |
"What are? Ooooo, fancy clouds, Franklin. I only know how to make big, fat, white ones." |
「什麼不錯?哦,好美的雲啊,法蘭克林。我只會畫肥肥大大的白雲。」 |
"Me too. I wish I could do clouds like yours." |
「我也是。真希望我也能畫出像你這樣的雲。」 |