"To not catch (something)" here means to not hear or understand what someone has said.
動詞 catch 常見的意思是「抓到」某人或某物,或是「趕上」公車、火車等。
但當你說 "I didn't catch that." 或是 "I didn't catch what you just said." 則表示「我沒聽清楚或沒聽懂你剛說的話。」
如果你沒聽清楚對方的名字,也可以說 "I didn't catch your name."
Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you say that one more time?
I didn't catch what you just said. Could you please repeat that a little more loudly?
"Excuse me, I didn't catch that."
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."
"I didn't catch your name."
"I didn't catch that last part! What did you say?" |
「我沒聽清楚最後那部分!妳說什麼?」 |
"I said, get us out of here quick! The baby could be born any minute!" |
「我說,趕快把我們弄出去!寶寶可能隨時要出生了!」 |
"Oh my! A pregnant woman trapped in the elevator. ---I'll call 911!" |
「噢,天啊!一位孕婦被困在電梯裡。---我這就去打911!」 |