You%5Cre telling me.jpg

We use this expression "you're telling me" to show that you completely agree with what another person has said. "You're telling me" is a way really of saying you don't need to tell me. It's obviously true, or I already know that because I have personal experience with that.

"You're telling me." 字面上是「你正在告訴我」,其實是想表達「我完全同意你說的」。其言下之意是「就算你不說我也知道,因為事實就擺在眼前」,或是「我有這方面的經驗,這還需要你來告訴我嗎?


A: Houses are expensive in Canada.

B: You're telling me! Yeah, they're so expensive.

A: 加拿大的房子好貴啊。

B: 這還用你說!對啊,超貴的。


I agree with you. (我同意。)

That is so true. (說得太對了。)

Tell me about it. (可不是嘛!)

You can say that again. (你說得對;一點也沒錯。)


"You're telling me."



"All right, class, let's begin with some stretching exercises."



"Stretching? Oh, no!"



"Reach way down and touch your toes. Stretch it out."



"Stretching doesn't feel so good."



"You're telling me."







"You can't fix it up."



"You're telling me!"



"The whole place is falling apart."




"Had a rocking time. Catch you later."



"But I have to walk you to your counter! How else will I know you made it safely to work?"



"Well, first of all, I'm here. And, there's no girls the store...on Tuesdays. Later!"



"Just a little kiss for the road?"



"I can't. That's uh, another rule. No kissing in the store."



"There's no rule like that here, Jude."



"Oh, I'm pretty sure there is, dude!"



"Yikes! That was a level 5 clinger."



"Cha! You're telling me. I've heard about chicks like this, but I've never actually met one."




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