We use this expression "you're telling me" to show that you completely agree with what another person has said. "You're telling me" is a way really of saying you don't need to tell me. It's obviously true, or I already know that because I have personal experience with that.
"You're telling me." 字面上是「你正在告訴我」,其實是想表達「我完全同意你說的」。其言下之意是「就算你不說我也知道,因為事實就擺在眼前」,或是「我有這方面的經驗,這還需要你來告訴我嗎?」
A: Houses are expensive in Canada.
B: You're telling me! Yeah, they're so expensive.
A: 加拿大的房子好貴啊。
B: 這還用你說!對啊,超貴的。
I agree with you. (我同意。)
That is so true. (說得太對了。)
Tell me about it. (可不是嘛!)
You can say that again. (你說得對;一點也沒錯。)
"You're telling me."
"All right, class, let's begin with some stretching exercises." |
「好的,各位同學,我們一開始先做一些伸展拉筋的運動。」 |
"Stretching? Oh, no!" |
「拉筋?噢,不!」 |
"Reach way down and touch your toes. Stretch it out." |
「向下伸展,觸碰到你的腳趾。伸展開來。」 |
"Stretching doesn't feel so good." |
「拉筋的感覺不太舒服。」 |
"You're telling me." |
「這還用妳說。」 |
"Ahhh!" |
「啊啊啊!」 |
"You can't fix it up." |
「你無法修補了。」 |
"You're telling me!" |
「這還用你說!」 |
"The whole place is falling apart." |
「這地方整個崩塌了。」 |
"Had a rocking time. Catch you later." |
「度過了美好時光,回頭見嘍。」 |
"But I have to walk you to your counter! How else will I know you made it safely to work?" |
「但我得陪你走到你的櫃檯!不然我怎麼知道你可以一路安全地抵達你的工作崗位?」 |
"Well, first of all, I'm here. And, there's no girls allowed...in the store...on Tuesdays. Later!" |
「呃,首先,我在這裡。而且,女生是不被允許…在店裡…星期二的時候。再見!」 |
"Just a little kiss for the road?" |
「離別之前親一下嘛?」 |
"I can't. That's uh, another rule. No kissing in the store." |
「不行。那是,呃,另一個規定。在店裡不能親親。」 |
"There's no rule like that here, Jude." |
「這裡沒那種規定,Jude。」 |
"Oh, I'm pretty sure there is, dude!" |
「喔,我非常肯定有的,老兄!」 |
"Yikes! That was a level 5 clinger." |
「哎唷!那是五顆星等級的黏人精。」 |
"Cha! You're telling me. I've heard about chicks like this, but I've never actually met one." |
「嘿啊!這還用你說。我聽說過像這樣的小妞,但從沒真正遇到過。」 |