"To come up with" an idea means to think of - to produce - to invent - to create a new idea.
通常是針對問題需要想一段時間,然後 come up with 一個點子(idea),或是解決方案(solution)。
How did you come up with that idea?
Linda came up with a great way to increase the company's sales.
"I'll never come up with anything."
"Hey, I just came up with the plan. Now it's your job to come up with the logistics." |
「嘿,我剛想出了計畫,現在換你想辦法解決物流問題。」 |
"Very interesting. How did you come up with this unique design?" |
「非常有趣。你們是怎麼想出如此獨特的設計的?」 |
"Well, kind of by accident, right, guys?" |
「這個嘛,有點像是意外,對吧,夥伴們?」 |
"Yeah, you might say that." |
「對,可以這麼說。」 |