whole → 全部;整個
the whole time 指的是一段時間當中的「自始至終;從頭到尾」。
類似表達:all the time
The movie was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing the whole time.
"Whoaaa....boy, that was fun!" |
「哇啊啊啊…天啊,太好玩了!」 |
"Fun? You were scared the whole time, Tommy." |
「好玩?你從頭到尾都害怕得要命,湯米。」 |
"Mommy! The bird is gone! Maybe Gilbert got it!" |
「媽咪!小鳥不見了!可能被吉爾伯抓走了!」 |
"Look! Gilbert was inside the whole time." |
「你看!吉爾伯一直都在屋裡。」 |
"Can you guess which hand the magic coin is in?" |
「你能猜到魔術硬幣在哪隻手裡嗎?」 |
"Aw, that's too easy. That one." |
「喔,太簡單了,那隻。」 |
"Abracadabra!" |
「阿布拉卡達布拉!」 |
"That's amazing! I had my eyes on it the whole time! How'd you do it?" |
「太神奇了!我自始至終都沒有移開過視線,你是怎麼辦到的?」 |
"Papa, Mama, look! It's my dolly! I thought I lost her, but she was here the whole time. I'm so happy I found her." |
「爸爸,媽媽,你們看!是我的洋娃娃!我以為我失去她了,但她原來一直都在這裡,能找到她我好開心。」 |