依情境,可以指「照顧、看管」(take care of; look after) 或是「留心、注意」(pay attention to),也可指「監視」(spy on)。
Would you keep an eye on the children while I do the shopping?
Could you keep an eye on my laptop while I go to the restroom?
"Mr. Wilson will be over soon to keep an eye on you."
"Well, we're going now." |
「我們要走了。」 |
"Uncle Rusty will keep an eye on you." |
「Rusty叔叔會照顧你的。」 |
"Don't you worry, Little Bear and I will be just fine." |
「你們不用擔心,小熊和我會安然無恙的。 」 |
"Goodbye, Mother Bear. Bye, Father Bear." |
「再見,熊媽媽。再見,熊爸爸。」 |
"Goodbye, Little Bear. " |
「再見,小熊。 」 |
"Are you sure you don't wanna play, Duck?" |
「你確定你不想玩嗎,鴨子?」 |
"No, I'd better keep an eye on the ducklings. You can't trust them around food." |
「不,我最好看著這些小鴨仔,在有食物的地方你無法信任他們。」 |
"Just keep an eye on me. I'll show you what to do." |
「只要仔細看著我就行了,我教你怎麼玩。」 |
"Okay!" |
「好的!」 |
"You grab the bar, and then pull, are you watching, Squirrel?" |
「你抓住杆子,然後往上拉,你在看嗎,小松鼠?」 |
"Yep , I'm watching!" |
「嗯,我看著呢!」 |
"If you must meet Miss Celeste, we'll have to go with you." |
「如果你一定得見Celeste小姐,我們就必須跟你一起去。」 |
"This is just an excuse to keep an eye on me. And I think it's childish." |
「這只是你們監視我的藉口,而我認為這很幼稚。」 |
"Keep an eye on the Moon Walker for me." |
「幫我看顧一下月球漫步車。」 |
"Don't worry, Dad. I won't let it out of my sight." |
「別擔心,老爸,我不會讓它離開我的視線的。」 |
"Well, Dennis, did you keep an eye on the Moon Walker the way I asked?" |
「阿丹,你有照我說的看顧好月球漫步車嗎?」 |
"It never left my sight." |
「它從未離開過我的視線。」 |
"Candace, we're leaving now!" |
「凱蒂絲,我們要走嘍!」 |
"Mom, I'm having a teenage crisis!" |
「媽,我正面臨青少年危機!」 |
"Don't forget we're going bowling. We need you to keep an eye on the boys." |
「別忘了我們要去打保齡球,我們需要妳看好弟弟們。」 |