forever → 永遠;非常久的時間
當你在等待的時候,時間過得特別漫長,可能就會有點不耐煩的說 "This is taking forever!" 表示「好久啊!要等到海枯石爛了!」
如果是在排隊等候,而隊伍大排長龍,也可以說 "This line is taking forever!" 表示「好久啊!要排隊排到天荒地老了!」
如果是在等公車,等了很久都沒來,可以說 "This bus is taking forever!" 表示「好久啊!公車怎麼還沒來?」
"Ugh! This is taking forever!"
"Ugh! This line is taking forever!"
"Aw, man! When will we get to eat? This line's taking forever!" |
「天啊!我們什麼時候才有得吃啊?這隊伍要排到天荒地老了。」 |
"Let's go to the lake now." |
「我們現在就去湖邊。」 |
"Oh, we can't sail it yet, Caillou. We have to wait for the paint to dry." |
「噢,我們還不能放它在水上航行,卡由。必須等顏料乾了才行。」 |
"Caillou felt like the paint was taking forever to dry." |
「卡由覺得顏料好像永遠都不會乾一樣。」 |
"Three, two, one, go! --Yay, it's a tie." |
「三、二、一,開始!--好耶,平手。」 |
"That means we both win." |
「也就是說我們都贏了。」 |
"That school bus is taking forever." |
「校車好久啊。」 |
"Yeah, waiting always makes me hungry." |
「對啊,等待總是讓我肚子餓。」 |
"Me too." |
「我也是。」 |