換句話說:I don't understand.
"You made this whole fancy meal just for yourself? I don't get it." |
「妳做了整套的精緻餐點只為了自己?我不明白。」 |
"Once in a while I need to do something for me. Know what I mean?" |
「偶爾我需要為自己做點什麼,明白我的意思嗎?」 |
"I don't get it! Why?" |
「我不懂!為什麼?」 |
"Well–" |
「那個…」 |
"You know what? Never mind. I don't care who Jonesy spends his time with." |
「聽我說,算了,我不在乎 Jonesy 花時間和誰在一起。」 |
"That'll be three fifty." |
「$3.5」 |
"Uh-huh. Hey, Jen, spot me a fiver?" |
「好,嘿,Jen, 可否借我五塊?」 |
"Guess I'm a little short today." |
「我今天可能錢帶不太夠。」 |
"Here. It's on the house." |
「來,本店招待。」 |
"Thanks, Cait. Bye guys!" |
「謝啦,Cait,大家掰嘍!」 |
"I don't get it. What does Jen see in that guy?" |
「我不懂,Jen 是看上那傢伙哪一點?」 |
"I can't stand mermaids! They always think they're so much better looking than everybody else!" |
「我最受不了人魚了!他們總認為自己比其他任何人都好看得多!」 |
"Where was I? Oh, right! So, we're outside Tara's school looking for this mermaid." |
「我說到哪了?喔,對了!所以我們就在 Tara 的學校外面尋找這隻人魚。」 |
"Huh, hey you, I know you're there! What are you doing here?" |
「哼,嘿,我知道你在那裡!你在這裡幹嘛?」 |
"Wait, I don't get it. How do you expect to arrest the Semchanach if you start yelling like that? They'll know you're there." |
「等等,我不明白。如果你們一開始就那樣大喊,又怎能如願逮捕到Semchanach?他們就會知道你們在那裡了。」 |