"To knock yourself out" means to go ahead and try something – to feel free to try something.

knock sb. out 指的是「(用拳頭)把某人擊倒」的意思。

Knock yourself out. 可不是指把你自己給擊倒喔!



補充:如果說話的對象是「你們」,則說 Knock yourselves out. (你們開心就好;你們請自便)

換句話說:Go ahead.

相關表達:【片語】be knocked out 陷入昏迷


"Knock yourself out."

"Knock yourself out."


"Hey! I know what we should do today! Let's be real pirates, and go find Badbeard's treasure."



"Sure, knock yourselves out."




"Hi. I'm Norm."



"That's it? You just want to borrow Norm? My giant robot man? Fine. Knock yourself out. I'm going back to bed."




"I'm sick of trying to cheer everyone up. So if you guys want to just beat each other up, go ahead! Knock yourselves out!"




"I'll miss you."



"Miss you more!"



"Oh my gosh, Nikki, that was really insensitive of me! I forgot you and Jonesy just broke up!"


「喔,天啊,Nikki,我那樣做真是太傷人了!我忘了妳和 Jonesy 才剛分手!」

"Don't sweat it. It's kind of a relief. Maybe someday, when one of us is more mature, we can give it another shot. But for now, I definitely think we're better off as friends."



"So–I can talk about Dustin?"


「所以…我可以談論 Dustin 嘍?」

"Knock yourself out."




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