take (good) care of + 某人/某事,表示「(好好) 照顧某人或某事」。
意思同於:look after
I don't know how to take care of babies.
= I don't know how to look after babies.
【片語】take care of (something) 處理某事
【片語】keep an eye on sb./sth. 照看;留意
"Okay. Take care of yourself."
"Gary, he'll be fine. He can take care of himself."
"Oh, Darryl. Could you take care of Zoe tonight? Bizzy and I are going out." |
「對了,Darryl,可以請你今晚照顧Zoe嗎?我和Bizzy要出去。」 |
"Who would take care of Zoe if we weren't around?" |
「如果我們不在身邊,會由誰來照顧Zoe呢?」 |
"We've never even thought about it." |
「我們竟然從沒想過這個問題。」 |
"Stitch can take care of himself. He's indestructible, remember?" |
「史迪奇會自己照顧自己的,他堅不可摧,記得嗎?」 |
"Oh, dear! Don't worry. You can live with me." |
「哦,天啊!別擔心,你可以和我一起住。」 |
"I can?" |
「我可以嗎?」 |
"Yes. I'll take care of you." |
「是的,我來照顧你。」 |
"Goodbye!" |
「再見!」 |
"Take care of yourself, Max." |
「保重好自己,Max。」 |
"Goodbye." "Farewell." |
「再見。」「再會。」 |
"Don't be a stranger!" |
「別當陌生人啊!」 |
"Achooooo!" |
「哈~~~啾~~~!」 |
"If you're getting a cold, Babar, you'll have to stay away from the baby." |
「你要是感冒了,Babar,你就得遠離寶寶了。」 |
"That's the best news we've heard in a long time." |
「那是我們長久以來聽到最棒的消息。」 |
"Don't worry, Father, I'll take care of baby Isabelle until you're better. That's what big sisters are for." |
「別擔心,父親,我會照顧好寶寶 Isabella的,直到你好起來。那是姊姊該做的事。 |
"So how come Janey went out for food and you didn't go with her?" |
「怎麼Janey出去買吃的妳沒跟著去啊?」 |
"She kind of went with this guy." |
「她大概是跟一個男生去的。」 |
"Oh. From school?" |
「喔,同學嗎?」 |
"Actually, she just met him. I don't know why she thought she could go for a ride with him." |
「其實她倆才剛認識。我不知道她怎麼會這麼快就跟他去兜風。」 |
"Janey can take care of herself." |
「Janey會照顧好自己的。」 |
"I hope so." |
「但願如此。」 |