worry → 擔心;憂慮
"Don't worry, Papa. I'll be back in no time."
"Don't worry, we'll get you out. Hang on!"
"Don't worry, Mr. Wilson. I'll save you."
"Beebe, don't worry. We can still be friends."
"Don't worry, Yoko. They'll forget about it by snack time." |
「別擔心,Yoko,他們在點心時間之前就會忘得一乾二淨了。」 |
"Otter, I don't want to be late." |
「水獺,我不想要遲到。」 |
"Don't worry, Bear's house is only over the bridge and across the berry patch. We can be there in no time." |
「別擔心,大熊的家只要過了橋,穿越莓園,我們很快就會到了。 |
"And don't forget to give this to teacher Bob." |
「還有別忘了把這個拿給Bob老師。」 |
"Don't worry, Mama. See you later." |
「別擔心,媽媽,晚點見。」 |
"Oh, dear! Don't worry. You can live with me." |
「哦,天啊!別擔心,你可以和我一起住。」 |
"I can?" |
「我可以嗎?」 |
"Yes. I'll take care of you." |
「是的,我來照顧你。」 |
"My kite... it's flying away." |
「我的風箏… 飛走了。」 |
"Don't worry, Joey. Dennis will get it back for you. Won't you, Dennis?" |
「別擔心,喬伊,阿丹會幫你找回來的。是吧,阿丹?」 |
"Sure, I will." |
「當然,我會的。」 |
"Now, remember, boys. No matter what, keep these windows and doors locked." |
「記住,孩子們,不管怎麼樣,所有門窗都一定要鎖著。」 |
"Don't worry, Dad, we will." |
「別擔心,老爸,我們會的。」 |
"I'll be back as soon as I can." |
「我儘快回來。」 |
"Caillou had been having so much fun with his new babysitter, he didn't want her to leave." |
「卡由和他的新褓姆玩得開心極了,他捨不得讓她離開。」 |
"Don't worry, Caillou. I promise I'll come back and see you very soon." |
「別擔心,卡由,我保證很快就會回來見你的。」 |
"Alexander, where are you? Oh, Pom, what are we gonna do? Alexander may be a goof-up, but he's the only goof-up we've got." |
「Alexander,你在哪?噢,Pom,我們該怎麼辦才好?Alexander也許是個闖禍王,但我們也就這只有這個闖禍王了。」 |
"Don't worry, Flora. I'm sure he's around here some place. See what I mean?" |
「別擔心,Flora。我確定他就在這裡的某個地方,明白我的意思吧?」 |
"What is it?" |
「是什麼?」 |
"Alexander?" |
「Alexander?」 |