- Feb 02 Sun 2020 11:34
- Feb 01 Sat 2020 20:13
【史努比】吸引「他」的注意 (下)
- Feb 01 Sat 2020 17:21
【史努比】吸引「他」的注意 (上)
- Jan 30 Thu 2020 20:10
【片語】be jealous of 嫉妒
- Jan 28 Tue 2020 17:42
【片語】in a hurry 趕時間;匆忙地
- Jan 28 Tue 2020 14:30
Here we go again. 又來了
- Jan 25 Sat 2020 16:54
That's not fair. 不公平
not → 不 (表否定)
fair → 公平
可以說 "It's not fair." 或 "That's not fair."
- Jan 22 Wed 2020 12:44
Just a minute. 等一下
a minute → 一分鐘
"Just a minute" 字面意思是「只要一分鐘」,也就是「很快就好了;等一下;只要一下子」的意思。
類似表達:Just a moment. / Just a second.
- Jan 22 Wed 2020 10:09
【片語】be fast asleep 熟睡
- Jan 21 Tue 2020 19:07
【慣用語】throw a party 開派對
throw → 丟;拋;舉辦(口語)
throw a party for someone → 幫某人舉辦派對
意思等同於 have a party
動詞三態:throw - threw - thrown
- Jan 21 Tue 2020 12:49
I don't think so. 我不這麼認為
think → 想;認為
當你不同意對方所說的話,可以說 "I don't think so."
相反:I think so.
- Jan 21 Tue 2020 11:25
【片語】make a fuss 大驚小怪;小題大作
"To make a fuss" means to cause problems or to get excited about something. Some people, when they complain about something, they yell and they get angry and they get very excited, they "make a fuss".
fuss → 抱怨;大驚小怪
有人因為小事而大叫、生氣或太激動,你可能就會說他在 "make a fuss"。
叫對方不要這麼大驚小怪,可以說 "Don't make (such) a fuss."
- Jan 21 Tue 2020 11:00
【片語】for ages 好久好久了
age → 年齡;存在的時間
ages → 好長時間
for ages = for a long time (好長一段時間)
常搭配完成式(have + p.p.),表示「已經好長一段時間了」。
- Jan 20 Mon 2020 21:22
Don't even think about it. 想都別想
當你看出對方意圖,通常是不如你意的事情,在他進行下一步動作之前,說出 "Don't even think about it." 阻止他繼續行動。
"Don't even think about it."
- Jan 20 Mon 2020 09:37
If you say so. 好吧,你說了算
"If you say so" is often an expression we use when we don't actually believe what the other person is saying, but you're not going to argue with them.
"Come on. You were fast asleep, snoring your head off." |
- Jan 19 Sun 2020 22:30
Where was I? 我說到哪了?
你可以問 "Where was I?" 我剛說到哪了?
或是 "Where were we?" 我們說到哪了?
- Jan 19 Sun 2020 21:42
Not anymore. 再也不是了
A: I thought we were friends.
B: Not anymore! You betrayed me!
We used to be best friends, but not anymore.
- Jan 19 Sun 2020 20:45
No peeking. 不許偷看
- Jan 19 Sun 2020 11:29
Way to go! 做得好!那樣就對了!
"way" 有「道路、方法」的意思,所以 "way to go" 其實就是 "that's the way to go" 的簡稱;直譯「那就是該走的路、正確的作法」。
這是相當口語的說法,"Well done." 或 "Good job." 則算是比較正式的說法。
"Way to go." 也可以用在反諷,表面上說「做得太好了!」,但其實是指「看你做的好事!」。
- Jan 18 Sat 2020 22:40
Well done! 做得很好