"To be merry" means to be happy.
The expression "the more the merrier" means the more people that come, the happier we are.
merry → 快樂;開心
"To be merry" means to be happy.
The expression "the more the merrier" means the more people that come, the happier we are.
merry → 快樂;開心
back to 某個地方,表示「回到某個地方」。
normal 這裡所謂的「正常」是指「原來的狀態」。
I hope everything will get back to normal soon.
sleep on something 意思是「睡在某個東西上面」,例如:
Why did you sleep on the couch?
而 sleep on it 則是固定說法,通常用在做決定的時候,表示「需要時間再想一想、考慮考慮;睡一晚再決定」。"it" 就是指需要考慮的事情。通常我們在睡覺休息的時候,大腦會進行一連串整理分類的工作,隔天早上起來思緒會比較清晰,有助於我們做出明智的決定。因此,當你無法立馬做決定的時候,就 "sleep on it" 吧!例句:
I'll sleep on it and let you know what I decide tomorrow.
換句話說:Maybe next time.
"Timothy, rehearsal is canceled this afternoon and I was wondering if you wanted to come over?" |
"believe it or not" 用在當你跟對方說一件看似不太可能的事情,但卻是事實,表示「不管你信不信,但我說的都是真的」。
"Surprise, girls. Believe it or not, Papa actually made breakfast." |
「想不到吧,孩子們,信不信由你,但其實是爸爸做的早餐。」 |
The phrase "under control" means that something is manageable, or that you can handle or control it.
相反:out of control (失控)
Everything is under control.
Hey, come and take a look at this!
A: I'm having a little problem with my report.
Can you take a look at it?
middle name 是有些民族特有的「中間名」(在姓與名中間的名字)。
例如美國女演員 Emma Stone (艾瑪史東) 的本名是 Emily Jean Stone,Jean 就是她的中間名。
而 be one's middle name 是一種慣用的表達,表示「…是某人突出的特點、特質、特徵」。
I love adventures. Danger is my middle name.
fair 為「公平」之意;
square 原意為「正正方方的形狀」,所以除了「正方形」,也可以指「廣場」,像是紐約時代廣場,英文就叫做"Time Square"。但在此慣用語,意思則為「正直;公正」。
"fair and square" 通常用來形容做事或比賽「光明正大;誠實不欺瞞」。
What do you mean we won't receive our prize money? We won the game fair and square!
"No longer" is used to express the idea of something happening and then not happening and not continuing into the future.
簡單來說,no longer 的意思等同於 not anymore。
I no longer believe you.
= I don't believe you anymore.
go to bed 指的是「進入被窩裡睡覺」,也可以說 go to sleep。
sleep 可以當動詞或名詞,指的是「睡覺的狀態」(the state of being asleep)。
go to bed 或 go to sleep 是「動態」的;而 sleep 是「靜態」的。
I usually go to bed/sleep at 12 a.m. and get up at 5 a.m.
middle → 中間;中央
in the middle of sth → 在~的中間 (不一定是正中間)
in the middle of the night 半夜
in the middle of the month 月中
whole → 全部;整個
the whole time 指的是一段時間當中的「自始至終;從頭到尾」。
類似表達:all the time
The movie was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing the whole time.
依情境,可以指「照顧、看管」(take care of; look after) 或是「留心、注意」(pay attention to),也可指「監視」(spy on)。
Would you keep an eye on the children while I do the shopping?
Could you keep an eye on my laptop while I go to the restroom?
"A have something in common with B" 或 "A and B have something in common" 表示「A 和 B 有…的共同點」,像是興趣、喜好或觀念等等。
have nothing in common 完全沒有共同點
have little in common 幾乎無共同點
have a lot / a ton / tons / so much in common 有許多共同點
cost 意為「成本;費用」。
如果你打算做某事 at all costs,就表示不管有多困難、多艱辛或多昂貴,無論如何都必須克服障礙並且成功做到。
※ 在此片語中,cost 恆用複數形。
類似表達:no matter what
We have to stop him at all costs.
can't help but + 原V,表示「不得不;禁不住;忍不住」做某事。
也可以換成 can't help + Ving,意思相同。
※ 注意有 but 加原形動詞,沒有 but 則用動名詞。
I can't help but laugh every time I think of that.
= I can't help laughing every time I think of that.